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Secret To Building A Following For Your Facebook Community

Secret To Building Your Following For Your Facebook Community

Are you struggling to gain Followers to your facebook community or group?

Well today I will give you part three of my facebook community strategy to generate leads and followers for your business for free.

Facebook groups or communities are an extremely powerful way of sharing your compelling content and building the brand of you.

Branding yourself as an authority in your field is a huge part of attraction marketing which will set you apart from other marketers online.

Rather than regurgitating how important content creation is.  See the Post I wrote yesterday. HERE

OK early on you will need to drive it, invite or even better ask if some of your existing friends would like to be added.  Then actually add them yourself.  Do contra deals with other group owners, there is a post in my “Secret To Online Success Group” that has other group owners willing to do this.

Another way is during your manual prospecting ie reaching out to people in Networking Groups, you will find people that would like to learn what you have to teach, add them also.

At some point your facebook community or group will start to take on a life of it's own and people will begin to ask to join without you forcing it.  That my friend is when you are generating your own leads of people that want to talk with you.  The ultimate goal.  Keep creating compelling content and training.  Expand your platforms and you learn each new one, start a blog, YT channel and other social media platforms.  Share your content everywhere.  The more you get out there the more hooks you will have in the water.

Anyway, watch the video, I may let out a couple of nuggets.

My Post On Personal Branding  Click Here

My Post on What Do I Blog About  Click Here

As I outline in my “Secret to Online Success Commnunity” on facebook there is an 8 step process that will guarantee you success if you implement it.

I invite you to come on over and join us HERE

How To Build Your Business For FREE Using Facebook Alone.
Step 1. Why & How to Create a Community.
Step 2. Create Compelling Content
Step 3. Invite People To Get Your Community Rolling
Step 4. Personally Connect with New Members
Step 5. Communicate – Build Relationships
Step 6. Invite and Close People Into Your Business.
Step 7. Help them get up and running.
Step 8. Wash Rinse Repeat.

If you implement these strategies and methods you WILL get results in your business, so don't delay get on it..!


Just on a side note I wrote a piece on “What it Will Take To Succeed In Networking” in a previous post that I really believe you will get value from. Check it out. What Is The Secret To Networking Success?

If you would like some help with your marketing or strategy then join the group and reach out to me.

I urge you to reach out to me by liking my FB page below and messaging me.


I hope you got value from my training today.

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