no budget marking

3 Easy Ways to Achieve No Budget Marketing



No Budget Marketing is not only possible but a long term viable marketing strategy.

Today I share with you 3 easy ways to generate traffic for free to your offers and programs.



Watch the video below.




Success Quotes For the Day

It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it.
George W. Bush   (Click To Tweet)

It's time we reduced the federal budget and left the family budget alone.
Ronald Reagan (Click To Tweet)

Marketing Without Budget – Whats The Secret

Content Marketing

As in the video, content marketing is the key to marketing without a budget.  Have a blog, have a Youtube channel, have all the social media accounts, create valuable content and share it.

Remember Field of Dreams – Build it and they will come.

So for more budget marketing ideas, you can also see my post on Content Marketing Ideas.  BUT you need to create your content in a certain way, my post on Launching your Personal Brand will also be helpful.

Your budget marketing plan will be one of your best marketing strategies.

I know its a short post today but why regurgitate something I have already written.

In summary, the best marketing strategy is content marketing.  It will take some time to get rolling, it will seem like you are writing just for yourself for a while, then all of a sudden you will start to see some social sharing and engagement with your posts.  In time your posts will start to rank, especially if you structure your site with relevant keywords in a silo structure.

You will get even more results once you write in a more conversational style and tell stories.


Facts Tell – Stories Sell

This secret I discovered not to long ago.  See where I found it. Click Here


I hope you got value from my training today, if so I would love to hear from you, comment below.


Get LeadsAndrew “Drewyboy” Twelftree
Online Marketing Trainer & Mentor

Recurring Lead Generation Formula

Skype: drewyby


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Andrew Twelftree’s Marketing Blog
Skype: drewyby

“I Teach You the Marketing, Mindset and Strategies to Make More Money in your Business and Follow Your Passion!”

PS: If You Don’t Have A Constant Lead Flow For Your Business, Grab A Copy of This Report. Click Here

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