Communicating with prospects on Facebook can be very time consuming unless you have a purpose to your conversation.
This is officially step 4 of our 8 step “Secret To Online Success Community” training. Feel free to come on over, join our group and get access to all the training.
Facebook groups or communities are an extremely powerful way of sharing your compelling content and building Your personal brand.
Branding yourself as an expert in your niche is an integral component of attraction marketing which will set you apart from other marketers online.
See the Post I wrote yesterday on Branding and Content Creation. HERE
Anyway, watch the video, I may let out a couple of nuggets.
My Post On Personal Branding Click Here
How to Communicate With Purpose on Facebook
OK your purpose if effectively to first build a bit of rapport. People don't want to do business with people they don't know like and trust.
Find out what business they are promoting online, ask them why they joined. Your fishing a little bit for a reason or their “Why”. Are they looking to make a little more money or a lot. Ask if they could earn that what would it mean to them and their family….? Fan the flame a little bit.
Help them in any way you can, forward training, advice, tools……
Then at some point they may ask you what you do, don't give it up straight away, ask back, why, are you open to looking at other things?
If they are not then help them build what they have and don't push.
If they are open, then forward your 3rd party tools and book a follow up, 3 way calls are very powerful in this case.
Why you ask?
In your prospects eye's you made a friend, weren't pushy or salesy, asked if they were open, sent a video and had someone else answer the questions for you. In other words, you didn't do much.
They will likely be able to see themselves doing what you did. The more you “sell it” the less likely they will be to join. You will get the “I'm not a salesman objection…….”
Here's the truth, you will make mistakes from time to time and maybe loose some people here and there. BUT there are over a billion users on facebook, go again. You will find your rhythm and learn from experience. You goal is to get eyeballs on your presentation. More eyeballs more money…. Simple as that.
As I outline in my “Secret to Online Success Commnunity” on facebook there is an 8 step process that will guarantee you success if you implement it.
I invite you to come on over and join us HERE
How To Build Your Business For FREE Using Facebook Alone.
Step 1. Why & How to Create a Community.
Step 2. Create Compelling Content
Step 3. Invite People To Get Your Community Rolling
Step 4. Personally Connect with New Members
Step 5. Communicate – Build Relationships
Step 6. Invite and Close People Into Your Business.
Step 7. Help them get up and running.
Step 8. Wash Rinse Repeat.
If you implement these strategies and methods you WILL get results in your business, so don't delay get on it..!
Just on a side note I wrote a piece on “What it Will Take To Succeed In Networking” in a previous post that I really believe you will get value from. Check it out. What Is The Secret To Networking Success?
I Actually have a very popular training on haow to get immediate results in your marketing ===> “Immediate Results”
If you would like some help with your marketing or strategy then join the group and reach out to me.
I urge you to reach out to me by liking my FB page below and messaging me.
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Andrew “Drewyboy” Twelftree
Online Marketing Trainer & Mentor
Skype: drewyby
Andrew Twelftree’s Marketing Blog
Skype: drewyby
“I Teach You the Marketing, Mindset and Strategies to Make More Money in your Business and Follow Your Passion!”