Have You Got a Vision For Your Business That People Belive In

Have You Got a Vision For Your Business That People Believe In?

I have a dream

Do you have a vision for your business that your customers, staff and yourself believe in?

It doesn't matter if you are a multi national conglomerate, National Chain, Local Business, Tradesman or Home business owner, the importance of having a vision is paramount.

Belief in your vision or dream starts with you, if you believe it, then your staff will buy into it which will lead to loyalty, referrals and repeat customers for life.

Watch the video and I'll explain further after.



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“Do People Believe What You Believe!”


Does your business Mission Statement Inspire People?

As mentioned in my video above, the direction or purpose of your business makes a huge difference in its productivity.

Who would you choose to install you pool?

Best Pool Builder in Texas


“We Create Paradise in You own Back Yard” Landscape Gardeners

If you are a realtor

Best Realtor in Texas


“We get you into a home you didnt think you could afford”  XYZ Realtors.

“People Don't Buy What You Do, They Buy Why You Do It!”

Start with why, beow is the Simon Sinek Ted talk that inspired this post.  Enjoy

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Online Marketing Trainer & Mentor

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Skype: drewyby


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Andrew Twelftree’s Marketing Blog
Skype: drewyby
Email: Andrew@AndrewTwelftree.com

“I Teach You the Marketing, Mindset and Strategies to Make More Money in your Business and Follow Your Passion!”

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