Cool WordPress Plugin

A quick post today to show you a cool WordPress plugin.  If you are always out on the look out for cool plugins then this is a post for you.  This plugin will triple your opt ins for lead generation……..

  Cool Plugin to Triple your Opt Ins

“Pinoy Exit Popup”  is gold.  If you are using your blog to generate targeted leads online for your online business then this will triple you opt ins.  When some one visits your post and closes the page a popup will appear saying “WAIT sure you want to leave and miss out on the valuable information…… ” Or whatever you want it to say…   If they say yep then it pops up with “Are you sure?” and automatically redirects to your lead capture slash page.   Hey it might seem annoying but man does it up your opt ins for lead generation.

Using Your Blog as a Hub

To utilize a blog as a hub for your lead generation efforts online is a wise move.  Blogging is forever, any content you put out on the internet will eventually be found by someone…….  It's a way of generating leads out of thin air……. But that's another Blog post all on it's own…LOL Stay tuned.  If you have not got a blog and believe that it would be an awesome tool but do not know where to start. Click Here to start blogging immediately.  This is a low cost blog with all the plugins and SEO optimization done for you off the shelf.

Facebook Fan Page

If you are more of a Facebook person, you could use a Facebook Fan or Business Page as a hub.  For an example pop over to my Fan PageLike It and have a look around.  You will find training on how to set your own FB Page up – just click the TAB next to the photo's.

Lead Generation

If your like many people in the Network Marketing – MLM – Affiliate program industry, you have probably burnt through your warm market.  What now…..?  the lifeblood of every business is the constant input of hot targeted leads.  How do you achieve this?

Click Here to Gain Instant Access to a Free Presentation on the Exact Lead Generation Blueprint I use to get sales and signups on complete autopilot and how you can too in your business.

Okay, your turn.  Leave me a comment below, I’d love to know what you think. Also share this post with your friends if you found value in it.

Hehe – if you want to see how the plugin works – close this page and just smile………..

Have a great day and….
See you at the top.

Speak soon Andrew.

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2 thoughts on “Cool WordPress Plugin”

  1. Aye Andrew , nice little blog already got some value out of it. I’m gonna continue to flip thru the pages and come back when I can. Question …what is the plugin that you are using for the social bookmarking the one that floats on the left hand side of the page with th fb like bitton, twitter button etc.?

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