Upon launching my Ebook, I realized that the pdf I had created did not carry the hyperlinks in it. I thought what a complete waste of time.
So i went back and tried to convert it again with no success.
I then went to google search and tried there.
Well what an experience.
Two hours later I determined that Microsoft products friggen suck. But I did eventually find the solution.
How To Convert A Word Document To pdf And Keep Hyperlinks
The two second solution.
Go here upload word document, click convert and download. Done……
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Andrew “Drewyboy” Twelftree
Online Marketing Trainer & Mentor
Recurring Lead Generation Formula
Skype: drewyby
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Email: Andrew@AndrewTwelftree.com
“I Teach You the Marketing, Mindset and Strategies to Make More Money in your Business and Follow Your Passion!”
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